Soggiorno linguistico a Malahide

Un gruppo di alunni della 3ATUR e della 3DRIM ha trascorso una settimana a Malahide, in Irlanda: ecco il loro racconto.


General information

We went to Malahide, in Ireland, for a week from 8th to 15th of September. When we arrived at Dublin’s airport, it was really windy and the weather was colder than Italy. After we got our baggage we took a bus which took us to our school: the Irish College of English. That was where we met our host families.  During our stay, we did a lot of activities during the mornings. Also, in the evenings, we could go outside and explore the city.  It was a really nice experience and overall the weather was really nice! Even if it rained a few times, the temperatures were really cold, especially in the mornings.


We went to Malahide castle and we did a guided tour inside where we learnt so much about its history and Irish history. The day after we went to Dublin and we had a guided tour around the city to see the most important places and to learn about their past. We went to Dublin again the next day to go to Dublinia, a museum about Celtic and Viking's history and therefore Dublin's history, and to go to the National Gallery. Moreover we went on a walk in Howth's cliffs and we went to Glendalough, a national park immersed in nature. After the activities in the morning we went to an Irish school for three hours where we were divided in classes and did various activities. We had dinner at home everyday except for when we went to a pub and we had either burgers or tenders. Usually after dinner we would go out with our friends to explore the city and get a hot chocolate but once we went to a pub to listen and sing Irish music with two really fun musicians! They explained to us the instruments that are used and some of us got to play music with them, we had so much fun!


During our stay, from Monday to Friday, we went to school for 3 hours: from 2pm to 5 pm. When we got there, we got divided into classes based on our level of English. The lessons were really good: we did a lot of different activities with our teacher who were very nice. During these 3 hours, we had a little break: while it was break time, you could go outside your classroom to see your friends and chat with them. After school you could either stay in Malahide or go back home, but that depends on the host families.

What about our classmate’s experience?

Here are some of our statements.


The experience in Ireland was very useful and beautiful because, thanks to it, we learned to manage difficulties on our own in a foreign country, and the best part, in my opinion, was when we would go in the morning to visit nearby places.


The experience in Malahide was very formative in my opinion, as you had the opportunity to always practice your English.  At the same time, there was a good organization and the activities carried out: they were very interesting and beautiful, even if they could be physically tiring. But it was worth doing, as they allowed you to discover a new culture and a new territory. Now, about the school we attended in the afternoon, we didn't do tiring activities and you had the chance to learn new English and Irish terms. The evenings organized by the school were really fun.


In my opinion, Malahide is a beautiful city! There were so many things to do, like going outside with your friends near the sea or going shopping in the shops that were nearby the school. Also, Dublin was as beautiful as Malahide! Even if it rained, the city was really enjoyable. When you are in Malahide or Dublin, you immediately notice the difference between Ireland and Italy, but you get used to it really quickly. The activities were catchy and, some of them, competitive. The tours made by our guide were really nice!  I think that going to Ireland was really useful because it helped me improve my English.


Malahide was a really beautiful place and I went out almost every evening with my friends. I loved the activities we did, Dublin was beautiful and I really enjoyed it, however Howth and Glendalough were really different from Dublin but I loved being immersed in nature even though I was really tired from all the walking. With this experience I had the opportunity to improve my English and I really had fun visiting all the places we went to.


Esperienza bella e interessante, tutte le attività mi hanno insegnato qualcosa in più sia sulla storia sia sulle tradizioni irlandesi. Penso però che le attività e il tempo trascorso a scuola sarebbero dovute essere organizzate meglio, ma tutto sommato è stata un'esperienza utile.


È stata un esperienza molto bella, che ha aiutato a crescere e a conoscere meglio l'inglese e anche posti nuovi che molti non avevano visto. Famiglie accoglienti e disponibili.


The week we spent in Ireland was amazing! Malahide, Dublin, Glendalogh and Howth were beautiful cities just like the activities that we did. Everything was a chance to practice our English for example if we had to buy something, ask some information to someone ect... Talking about the school everyone was so nice, teachers cared about what they were doing and of course we learned new things everyday. I have to say that I really had a pleasant time in Malahide!


Il viaggio in Irlanda è stato molto bello ed è stata un’ esperienza magnifica. Mi sono divertita molto e ho imparato tanto e spero di fare esperienze come questa nel futuro.


Il soggiorno linguistico in Irlanda è stato un importante esperienza dove abbiamo conosciuto la storia, il loro modo di vivere, le loro tradizioni. Stare con le host family ha aiutato a conversare e a conoscere nuove parole.


Mi è piaciuta questa esperienza, mi ha aiutato molto a migliorare la mia pronuncia in inglese,  la famiglia che mi è capitata era molto disponibile e le attività mi sono piaciute molto.


Le attività sono state molto interessanti e divertenti e andare a scuola lì mi ha aiutato molto nel migliorare la mia pronuncia in inglese.

Written by: Giorgia Bellucco, Maya Marchetto 3A Tur


We had the opportunity to take a language study trip in Malahide, which is an Irish  village near  Dublin, from 8th Sempember to 15th September 2024. The day we arrived we spent the evening with our host families to get to know each other.  The day after, in the morning we had breakfast at home and the family gave us a packet lunch, then we had to meet with the test of the group at the Irish College of English that was  our school. From there we moved to different places to visit and in the afternoon we came back  to school to have lessons from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  On Monday we went to Malahide Castle. We visited it with a guide, who told us that it is one of the oldest castles in Ireland and it was the  residence of the Talbots, a diplomatic family. Inside the castle we saw  the lady’s rooms, the lord’s rooms and the child’s room. After the visit we  did an activity organized by the school and we had lunch in the park of  the castle, then we came back to the village.  On Tuesday we visited Dublin, we did a guide  tour through the city. We saw many places   like the Trinity College, the Temple Bar which   is one of the most famous pub in Dublin and  the Spire. Then we walked along the Liffey river and we also saw the O’Connel statue.  On Wednesday we went to visit Dublinia which is a historycal  museum focused on the viking and medieval history of the city of  Dublin. On Thursday we went to Howt and we did the Cliff walk. We walked  along the path and we saw beautiful landscapes. On Friday we visited the National Gallery which is an art gallery and inside there are paintings and sculptures from Ireland and all Europe. On Saturday, which was our last day, we did a day trip to Glendalough.  It is a Valley located in the Wicklow Mountains National Park. We spent  the day surrounded by nature.

“This trip to Ireland was a fantastico learning opportunity, not only for the beautiful places that we visited and the  hospitality of the family, but also for improving English in an authentic context” Asia De Micheli 

“It had been a wonderful experience, which I recommend to everyone, sadly it lasted only one week, two would  have been ideal”  Aurora Mascheroni 

“The trip to Ireland was an educational and unforgettable experience, both for the beauty of the landscapes, the  hospitality of our family and also for the improvement of languages skills” Giada Minniti 

”This study vacation was absolutely amazing, with stunning views, great local food and friendly people. An experience I would gladly repeat”.  Martina Piantanida 

“This journey was pleasent and useful for improving English, it was absolutely a pleasure to visit Ireland’s best  places ever existing in the country and the lessons were intresting”  Leonardo Hiuet 

“It was a great experience, the family and the house were very nice and the activities were intresting and beautiful.  I recommend this experience because it is a good opportunity to e prove your English and to discover new places”  Giada Biffi 

”My trip to Ireland was my first time abroad. The city, the places and our kind host family were amazing, as was our  teacher. I also enjoyed the activities then planned. I highly recommend this trip of you want to improve your English,  learn about Irish culture or explore the country. It was such a great experience that I hope to return one day” Davide Taddei 

”The trip to Ireland was a unique experience that I will never forget. It is unforgettable not only for the beautiful  places that we visited every day but also for the intresting things we learned day by day with our family and with  school” Anna Rina 

“It was the best experience I have ever had. Going to college and walking around the city was wonderful… For me  it was too short but anyway an unforgettable experience” Ludovica Dal Pozzolo 

“I have loved this trip, my host family was amazing. I think this experience has been very important both for learning  English and also for personal growth. I would do this again” Matilde Giampaolo 

“It was a beautiful and formative experience; it is always nice to visit new places and learn new cultures”  Alessia Colombo